T7101A Introduction to Theology / T8101A Introducing Theology

This course unit focuses on specific Orthodox theological viewpoints enabling the student to distinguish between rationalistic theology and Scriptural-Patristic thought. Furthermore it is concerned with classic models and contemporary reflection on the Trinity. This unit is a prerequisite for higher level units in Dogmatic Theology.

T7228A The Church / T8128A Ecclesiology

This unit introduces students to a central theme of theology, viz. that faith is lived within a community of believers.  It prepares students for later units in the church’s sacraments and ministry.

T7234A The Self-Revealing God / T8534A The Triune God & Revelation

In today's society, the word, ‘dogma’ is seen in a very pejorative way. Indeed, dogmas are usually considered by most to be fixed, unbending rules created by human persons in authority throughout history. Furthermore, for many people dogmas constitute a ‘great scandal’ of Christianity, or at any rate a bold demand on the faithful. More particularly, this is precisely how theological truths pertaining to God and God’s self-revelation to the world are seen. Living in an age which ‘demythologises’ all institutions and structures, doctrinal truths not only seem inappropriate but also provocative and unbecoming with regards to the dignity of the emancipated human person. For this reason, they are in constant need of new justification.

This course unit aims at uncovering the attitude of the early Church towards doctrinal truths in order to examine the extent to which these precepts, according to the Psalmist, “… are right, rejoicing the heart… and lightning the eyes… more to be desired a day than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey, and drippings of the honeycomb.” (Ps 19:7-10).

This unit builds on the knowledge and skills learnt in the introductory unit in theology. It prepares the student for more specialised study at higher levels through a study of the nature, attributes and creative work of the Triune God as this is made known to us through his self-revelation.

T7274A Later Byzantine Patristic Theology / T9271A Byzantine Patristic Theology: 9th-15th Century

This course unit focuses on the later Byzantine Fathers. It investigates the major trends in Christian tradition from the eighth to the fourteenth centuries. It assists the student to appreciate the relevance of the later Byzantine Fathers to the modern Orthodox Church.